이민성으로부터 멜이왔는데요..
오늘 이민성으로부터 멜이 왔는데요...
제가 신체검사 받은 결과에서 실제 여권과 일부가 불일치한다는 내용의 멜이 왔거든요...
여권을 다시 스캔해서 보내고 불일치한 이유도 같이 설명해달라고 하는데
답멜을 어케 보내야 댈지 모르겠어서요...
당연히 영어로 보내야 할텐데...
좀 가르쳐주셨으면 해서요...
멜 내용은 이렇답니다...
(embedded image moved to file: pic16279.jpg)
australian government
department of immigration and multicultural and indigenous affairs
dear choi, ae kyung (trn: egnms57lh5),
i refer to your medical results received by the local clearance unit for
their australian visa application.
unfortunately, we cannot proceed with processing their application due to a
discrepancy in their details. on their application they entered their
details as something different to the details on their passport. can you
please provide me with a clear scanned copy of your passport and a reason
for this discrepancy.when we receive your reply we will take the neccessary steps to get this
resolved.yours sincerely,local clearance unit
dimia - gateway
level 6, 26 lee street
sydney nsw australia 2000
어케 답멜을 보내야 댈지 가르쳐주셨으면 감사하겠습니다...^^
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